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  1. Welcome to the Friday Spiritually Prosperous BDA Meeting. My name is ____________ and I will be your secretary today.
  2. In D.A., our purpose is threefold: to stop incurring unsecured debt, to share our experience with the new comer, and to reach out to other debtors. Debtors Anonymous helps thousands of men and women around the world who have struggled with debt, spending and earning problems. Here you can find a new way of living that offers recovery from compulsive debting and hope for a healthier, happier, more prosperous life. We suggest that you keep an open mind and attend at least six meetings as soon as possible. If you do not like one meeting, attend another. The important thing is to keep coming back.
  3. In B.D.A. we learn to operate our business along spiritual lines and find that operating in integrity and being of service is profitable. We accumulate cash reserves, pay our bills and employees on time, and build a thriving, prosperous, debt-free and financially solvent business. Please pick up a newcomer package on the table to learn more about our recovery issues and additional tools; anything on the table is free, additional literature is for sale and available after the meeting.
  4. Please join me in a moment of silence, followed by the Serenity Prayer:
  5. If you have a cell phone, would you please silence it now; thank you. While we have the readings, I’ll pass around the sign-up sheetIf you think you might want to share, please put your name on the list.  I’ll call on someone to start the sharing; when that person is done, they’ll pick a number and it will be that person’s turn to share; you are not required to share, ever!  I will stop the numbered sharing at 12:45pm for newcomers and volunteers.
  6. Will someone please read the Twelve Steps, and say your name before you read.
  7. Will someone please read the BDA Debting Signals.
  8. Not to embarrass you, but to welcome you, if this is your 1st, 2nd or 3rd meeting of DA or BDA, please introduce yourself by your first name only.
  9. Are there any DA-related announcements (read anything that is in the binder)?
  10. Secretary Announcements: you are allowed beverages here, but the church requests no food in the building. Restrooms are in the hallway.  We request everyone refrain from any distracting activities like texting.  (If children are present, read this: Children are welcome, but both the parent and the meeting secretary must ensure that they cause no distraction.)
  11. DA has no dues or fees; we are self-supporting through our own voluntary contributions so we pass a container, but if you cannot contribute at this time, please keep coming back. Our group’s monthly expenses include rent, a PO Box, insurance, prudent reserve, and contributions to the General Service Office and Intergroup.  We need an average contribution of $20 per meeting to accomplish this goal.
  12. A separate container will be passed for contributions to send our Intergroup Service Representative to the annual DA World Service Conference. We need an average weekly contribution of $14 to contribute our share of approximately $667.
  13. The business meeting for this group is held on the 4th Friday of every month, immediately following the regular meeting. Everyone is encouraged to attend, especially trusted servants, as this is an important tool and helps us become responsible for our own personal recovery.
  14. This meeting has a rotating format. Today is the ___ Friday of the month, so today is a:

    1st Week: Visions Meditation (read the Visions Guidelines & Prayer, then 5-minute meditation)

    2nd Week: Step Study (read that month’s step from the DA Steps Traditions Concepts book)

    3rd Week: Speaker Meeting (see Speaker Sign-Up List: 15-minute share)

    4th Week: BDA Recovery Issue Discussion (read the issue corresponding with the month)

    5th Week: DA Pamphlet (choose 3 and the group votes on which to read and discuss)

  15. We use a timer in this meeting (ask for volunteer timer, have them demonstrate as you explain). You have an opportunity to share for 3 minutes total, with a visual warning at 2 minutes, leaving you with 1 minute to finish.  I will stop the sharing at 12:45 to allow newcomers to share if they want to but have not already been called on.  After that, we’ll continue sharing until 12:55.
  16. Would someone please read the Crosstalk Statement.
  17. The meeting is now open for sharing; our suggested topic is ________________ (today’s format; e.g. what is your vision for your business?), or anything else you’d like to share. (Pass the 7th Tradition envelope, wait 10 minutes, then pass the ISR envelope; keep 5 one-dollar bills as weekly “seed” money, give the rest to the Treasurer).
  18. (At 12:45) This is the time we set aside for newcomers and burning desires.
  19. (At 12:55) Thanks everyone, for sharing and listening.  Will someone please read the DA Promises.
  20. (Distribute Final Reading Sheets)  In closing, the opinions you have heard expressed here today are strictly those of the individuals who shared them. The things you have heard were spoken in confidence and should be treated as confidential.  If you try to absorb what you have heard, you are bound to gain a better understanding of the way to handle your problems.  After a final moment of silence, will all who care to please join us in the final reading (“I Put my Hand in Yours…”).


Revised July 2016