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Millions of individuals throughout the globe have taken the popular drug, although it has been linked to suicides. Some experts are disturbed by the popularity of salvia and other legal medicines available online and in tobacco shops. Moreover, some worry about the detrimental effects of drugs like spice, salvia, and marijuana. Some harmful impacts are already here, including increased vehicle accidents caused by drugged driving.
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Unregulated medicines like salvia may cause lasting memory problems and brain injury. Salvia divinorum originates in the Sierra Mazateco area of Oaxaca, Mexico. It's a sage, but not gardening or crimson sage. Mazatecs utilize salvia in religious rites and to create visions. Mazatecs utilize salvia for anemia, migraine, rheumatism, diarrhea, and fluid retention.
The plant has a three-foot-tall shrub with enormous green leaves, square hollow stalks, and white blooms. Salvinorin, a hallucinogenic entheogen also referred to as a neoclerodane diterpene, is the main component of Salvia divinorum. Furthermore, you require at least 200 and 600 micrograms of salvinorin, primarily present in the plant's leaves, to produce different consciousness states.
Salvia Addiction Causes
Nobody knows how salvia causes illusions and out-of-body experiences. Morphine, heroin, and other narcotics work on mu, kappa, and delta opiate receptors. LSD and PCP impact more than 50 types of receptors, comparable to salvia. Salvia impacts CNS kappa opioid receptors. Tom Prisinzano, a chemist at the University of Kansas, concludes that salvia is generally non-addictive since addiction alters mu-receptors. You may purchase salvia dry or fresh leaves, seeds, leaf extract, or cuttings.
Anecdotal information suggests you may chew the leaves like tobacco. However, the smell and taste are like sewage water. Salvia is most effective when chewed. Most people use a bong, a water pipe for smoking marijuana, to inhale crystalline salvia via a glass tube.
Others wrap fresh or dried stems or leaves in tobacco sheets and smoke them gently. Ten to 30 seconds of smoking induces a trance. Boiling salvia leaves makes tea. The medicine is also available as a leaf extract and tea.

Eighty percent of 500 self-reported salvia consumers would use it again because it makes them feel good. According to the study team, substances that create happy feelings are often addictive. Hence salvia may be addictive.
Effects of Salvia Addiction
Most salvia users have an intense but brief experience. People with synesthesia hear colors and smell sounds, slip into trances, and have out-of-body encounters. They hallucinate, disassociate from egos, and travel across time.
Externally, they may seem stupid, uncoordinated, and slurring. In other circumstances, salvia's effects started within seconds. The effects were comparable to other hallucinogens but short-lived. The drug's dosage and strength vary from person to person, and the period may vary depending on the quantity consumed.
Salvia Addiction Treatment
Salvia is a non-addictive substance. However, withdrawal episodes have been reported. Mind-altering chemicals like salvia and LSD may cause psychological dependence, in which drug-induced moods become more attractive than daily life, and users can't quit using. Drugs may help someone avoid personal troubles or address untreated psychological illnesses.
Most drug users have untreated disorders like depression, bipolar illness, ADD, childhood traumas, and PTSD. They won't be able to stop drugs without counseling and meds.
Residential treatment centers provide 24/7 therapy for drug addiction and alcoholism. First, have a medical and psychological checkup, then engage with specialists to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses all your difficulties. Chemical cleansing allows all chemicals to leave the body.
After detox, you attend residential treatment with people confronting similar issues. Any excellent program includes individual psychotherapy, group, family, and couples counseling. Further, some programs include physical fitness, recognizing drug addiction, stress management, and planning a drug-free life.
The Recovery HQ Team is here to help!
Are you or a loved one struggling with Salvia addiction? If so, the Recovery HQ Team is here to assist you during this difficult time. Please contact us today and we will do all we can to get you the help you need.