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Dextromethorphan (DXM) Addiction
DXM, or dextromethorphan, is a dissociative anesthetic and a commonly-used synthetic substance found in over-the-counter cough and cold medicines. DXM has a long history of efficacy and safety in suppressing cough when used in therapeutic doses but it is also misused for recreational purposes, as it can cause a high.
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The effects of dextromethorphan vary depending on the dose. When taken appropriately as directed on the box, DXM provides temporary relief from sinus congestion, cough, runny nose, itchiness in the nose and throat, and watery eyes. However, when used in high doses, dextromethorphan can have powerful psychedelic effects.
Dextromethorphan Addiction Statistics
SAMHSA and the DEA report that the abuse of DXM can occur across all age groups, but it is primarily focused in younger individuals between the ages of 12 and 26. In addition, SAMHSA reports that younger females between the ages of 12 and 17 may be slightly more likely than younger males in the same age bracket to abuse these medications; however, younger males over the age of 18 are more likely than females in the same age bracket to abuse the drugs.
SAMHSA indicates that E.R. visits due to DXM abuse increased by 80% between 2004 and 2011.

Causes of Dextromethorphan Addiction
Although not all people who misuse DXM will become addicted, if it is misused regularly, it can be addictive and may cause dependence and withdrawal symptoms. The risks of abusing this drug have prompted state lawmakers country-wide to prohibit minors from buying over-the-counter medicines that contain dextromethorphan.
When used in amounts that are more than the recommended dose, DXM can be a powerful drug with effects like heightened perceptual awareness, altered perception of time, and even visual hallucinations. This is referred to as “robotripping.” Also, when used in conjunction with other drugs, DXM has an additive effect.
Although DXM is safe when used as directed, recreational misuse and experimentation can have dire consequences and even withdrawal symptoms. What started as an experiment can turn into a difficult period of sickness and intense mental craving. Not everyone who tries drugs gets addicted, but DXM CAN become addictive over time.
Open dialogue and taking steps to protect the family are great ways to reduce the probability of future problems. The truth is some people will experiment and some people will face addiction no matter how many precautions you take.
Signs and Symptoms of Dextromethorphan Addiction
Because DXM is easy to acquire, curious teens can experiment with the drug. Some people can even become addicted to DXM, drinking bottles of cough syrup or taking whole boxes of DXM pills at a time. Just like any other drug addiction, the effect produced by DXM becomes an obsession, and it becomes more and more difficult to reach the desired “high” while being forced to increase the dosage.
Teens are naturally curious, and some are drawn to risky behaviors. A 2017 study by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) found that 3 percent of twelfth graders reported taking large doses of cough medicine to get high.5
Teens may be more at risk for developing dextromethorphan addiction, as they are most likely to experiment with drugs like DXM. However, no one is immune to the risk. Some common signs and symptoms of DXM abuse or addiction may include:
- Disconnecting from family and friends
- Sudden changes in eating and sleeping habits
- Needing larger doses of DXM to achieve the same effects (developing a tolerance)
- Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when reducing DXM use or when trying to quit
- Wanting to stop abusing DXM but being unable
- Having cravings for DXM
- Buying large amounts of over-the-counter products that contain DXM
Open dialogue and taking steps to protect the family are great ways to reduce the probability of future problems. The truth is some people will experiment and some people will face addiction no matter how many precautions you take.
If you or a loved one has a problem with Dextromethorphan addiction, help is only a phone call away. The Recovery HQ Team is here to help. We can answer questions you have and share more information about treatment options. Give us a call today at 855-706-9275.
Effects of Dextromethorphan Addiction
Side effects of dextromethorphan abuse include:
- Nausea
- Panic attacks
- Sweating
- Loss of motor coordination
- Sedation
- Slurred speech
- Racing heart rate
- Disassociation
- Intense confusion
Chronic abuse of dextromethorphan can cause withdrawal symptoms, such as:
- Anxiety
- Weight loss
- Diarrhea
- Insomnia
- Upset stomach
- Shakiness
- Excessive sweating
- Hallucinations
- Depression
Dextromethorphan Addiction Treatment
Dextromethorphan withdrawal symptoms can be difficult to manage on your own without professional medical assistance and the discomfort can make it very hard to quit. Medical detox programs can make DXM detox and withdrawal much easier to manage and can also improve your odds of staying sober long-term.
Medical detox provides round-the-clock monitoring as well as medication-assisted treatment to reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms. Clinical therapy is also provided to help clients address the psychological side effects of withdrawal and prepare for entry into rehab.
After completing a medical detox program for DXM addiction, enrolling in a drug rehab program can be a helpful way to address the contributing causes of addictive behavior. It can also provide critical life skills, education, and behavioral therapy to curb the addiction and pave the way for a lifestyle of sobriety.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), individuals in recovery benefit most from long-term addiction treatment that lasts 90 days or longer. Like any other chronic, relapsing disease, ongoing treatment can help people maintain their sobriety and learn how to manage their disease so they can successfully live a drug-free life.
During a drug rehab program for DXM addiction, clients will participate in various treatment methods that are designed to help them overcome negative mindsets, beliefs, and attitudes that contribute to addiction. These evidence-based treatment methods also provide opportunities for personal growth that will enhance a sober lifestyle.
- Educational lectures about addiction and recovery
- 12-Step Program work (or a similar recovery program curriculum)
- Training on how to cope with high-risk situations, triggers, and drug cravings
- Life skills development
Clients achieve these objectives by working closely with addiction treatment professionals and their peers in recovery. Many rehab centers use a mixture of medical and clinical treatment methods to provide a well-balanced evidence-based treatment process that addresses the whole person, not just the addiction.
Aftercare programs are specifically designed to support alumni of detox and rehab programs. Many people use aftercare as a way to check-in with their sober peers on a regular basis. Otherwise, weekly aftercare meetings offer a safe, supportive, and judgment-free zone where people in recovery can share successes and struggles pertaining to life in recovery. Aftercare programs can be extremely therapeutic and supportive for people in any stage of recovery.
An addict cannot get through it alone. Dextromethorphan addiction treatment should be approached in holistic manner including intensive therapy, behavioral therapies and support that leading rehab centers provide. If you are fighting urges to use, even if you believe the problem is under control, call us right now at 855-706-9275. Our helpline representatives can answer your questions and provide you with tips for immediate treatment options at the appropriate recovery center in your area.