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Lortab Addiction
Lortab is a medication that relieves moderate to intense pain. The two ingredients in Lortab are acetaminophen and hydrocodone. Acetaminophen, better known by its brand name Tylenol, is a common medication for alleviating mild pain and reducing fevers. Hydrocodone is also used for pain relief, but unlike acetaminophen, hydrocodone is an opioid, so it is the more powerful ingredient in Lortab and has the potential to cause overdose and addiction.
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Lortab Addiction Statistics
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2010, more than 12 million people admitted to using prescription painkillers (such as Lortab) for nonmedical purposes. Nearly two million people admitted to doing so for the first within that same year, which is the equivalent to approximately 5,500 people trying it for the first time every day.

Causes of Lortab Addiction
Lortab functions like most other opioid-based medications. When someone takes a Lortab pill, the hydrocodone binds to opioid receptors in the brain and nervous system. This stimulates the release of dopamine and other neurotransmitters which blunt sensations of pain and cause euphoria. When it is used properly, Lortab is useful for treating pain. However, it also poses risks for abuse. People can develop dependence on the effects of Lortab if they misuse it. For this reason. Lortab is a Schedule III controlled substance in the United States and it is illegal to use or possess it without a prescription.
Lortab is not notorious for being addictive, but Lortab addiction is possible. About 5% of people who receive a prescription for Lortab or other opioid-based medications will abuse them and risk developing an addiction. A person who receives a prescription for Lortab can avoid addiction by using the medication exactly as the prescription directs.
When a person takes Lortab beyond the limits of a prescription and becomes tolerant to its effects, they can develop Lortab dependence. Once this happens, a person may take even more Lortab to continue to feel sedated and euphoric. Someone who becomes tolerant to the effects of Lortab might also experiment with other opioids, either prescribed or synthetic, and may start to depend on opioids to feel normal and stable. Opioid dependence can escalate into opioid addiction. A person who is addicted to Lortab or any other opioid will exhibit chronic opioid abuse despite significant physical and psychological consequences. Furthermore, they will compulsively use opioids to avoid withdrawal.
Signs and Symptoms of Lortab Addiction
If you recognize that you or someone else is suffering an overdose on hydrocodone, get help immediately. The most common symptoms of a hydrocodone overdose are:
- Blue lips and fingernails
- Constricted pupils
- Confusion
- Dizziness and lightheadedness
- Drowsiness
- Fatigue and weakness
- Loss of consciousness
- Nausea and vomiting
- Slow, irregular, or labored breathing
- Spasms in the muscles and stomach
In life-threatening cases, a hydrocodone overdose may provoke comas in addition to respiratory depression. Additionally, it is also possible for the acetaminophen in Lortab to cause or aggravate an overdose. The most obvious symptom of an acetaminophen overdose is jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes) as a result of liver failure.
If you or a loved one has a problem with Lortab addiction, help is only a phone call away. The Recovery HQ Team is here to help. We can answer questions you have and share more information about treatment options. Give us a call today at 855-706-9275.
Effects of Lortab Addiction
A person doesn’t have to have an addiction to Lortab to experience its side effects. In most cases, the side effects of Lortab are not serious and subside within a few days. The most common Lortab side effects are:
- Dizziness and lightheadedness
- Drowsiness
- Nausea and vomiting
- Stomach pains and digestion problems
Since Lortab contains acetaminophen, the drug can cause liver damage if someone misuses it by taking it too often. A person who abuses hydrocodone-based medications or takes them together with central nervous system depressants such as alcohol or benzodiazepines can also suffer an overdose, a life-threatening emergency. An overdose on hydrocodone may cause respiratory depression, a partial or total cessation of breathing. This is a form of suffocation that requires immediate medical attention. A Lortab overdose can be fatal. Fortunately, the medication naloxone can reverse the effects of an overdose if quickly administered.
Lortab Addiction Treatment
Lortab can be helpful for managing pain, but the drug may also be a gateway into opioid addiction if it is abused. If you or someone you know is dependent on Lortab or struggling to overcome addiction to opioids, please contact a dedicated treatment provider today to get answers about your options for treatment. It is possible to recover from opioid addiction with support from medical professionals and recovery experts. If Lortab has affected your life, today could be the day to make a change for the better.
An addict cannot get through it alone. Lortab addiction treatment should be approached in holistic manner including intensive therapy, behavioral therapies and support that leading rehab centers provide. If you are fighting urges to use, even if you believe the problem is under control, call us right now at 855-706-9275. Our helpline representatives can answer your questions and provide you with tips for immediate treatment options at the appropriate recovery center in your area.