12 Step Meeting Finder
Meeting Title | Location | Address | Day | Time | Fellowship |
Delray Beach Meeting Format : In-person |
The Crossroads Club |
1700 Lake Ida Road Delray Beach FL 33445 |
THURSDAY | 7:30 pm | marijuana-anonymous.org |
Living in Steps 10, 11, and 12 Format : Online |
America/New_York |
Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88169399309?pwd=RUMreE5uVHNkUEx4K0hLcGRzaVpTdz09 |
THURSDAY | 6:30 pm | marijuana-anonymous.org |
Queer Sober Sundays Format : Online |
America/New_York |
Zoom |
SUNDAY | 12:00 pm | marijuana-anonymous.org |
A New Beginning Format : In-person |
Linie 14 -Ét Værested |
Blågårdsgade 14 København N Denmark 2200 |
MONDAY | 7:00 pm | marijuana-anonymous.org |
WednesDAY at a Time Format : Online |
America/Los_Angeles |
Zoom https://zoom.us/j/95696934348?pwd=dzBtcUl0OWk4K0dORk1vUG1qWkFiZz09 |
WEDNESDAY | 11:00 am | marijuana-anonymous.org |
World Phone Meetings - Young People's Meeting Format : In-person |
Location Not Set! | Address Not Set! | THURSDAY | 10:00 pm | marijuana-anonymous.org |
Hope on a Sunday Format : Online |
America/Los_Angeles |
Zoom https://zoom.us/j/260278741?pwd=STgrMU9kQzFMQUNDS2xyVER4SlI2UT09 |
SUNDAY | 7:00 pm | marijuana-anonymous.org |
Stoners of Color Grab-Bag Meeting Format : Online |
America/New_York |
Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87917459995?pwd=TnR0a3Qzblc1KyszRVR6T1EraXJadz09#success |
FRIDAY | 7:00 pm | marijuana-anonymous.org |
Meditate on Monday Format : Online |
America/Los_Angeles |
Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84481665732 |
MONDAY | 7:00 pm | marijuana-anonymous.org |
Sunday Morning Sponsorship Workshop Format : Online |
America/New_York |
Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89635730460?pwd=bDFlV1BZODlKS3R0Q2l5TCt2TURTQT09 |
SUNDAY | 10:00 am | marijuana-anonymous.org |