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Meeting Format
Suggested on page 197 from White Book, SA’s Basic Text
- Good evening; my name is __________, and I’m a recovering sexaholic. Welcome to this meeting of Sexaholics Anonymous.”
- “This is a closed meeting. Only those desiring their own personal sexual sobriety, please.” (Original script says, “This is also a no smoking meeting; we ask that any smoking be done outside the meeting area, please.”, but you can omit this)
- LEADER ASKS SOMEONE TO READ “What Is a Sexaholic and What Is Sexual Sobriety?”
- “Let’s take a minute to introduce ourselves by first name and state our length of sexual sobriety. I’ll begin, and we’ll go around the room. My name is ___________. I’m a sexaholic, and I’ve been sober for __________.”
- “Will you please join me in the serenity prayer. ‘God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.’ “
(Select readings beforehand.) Pick two or three from the following list: “The Problem,” “The Solution,” portion of Chapter 5 (AA), The Twelve Steps, The Twelve Traditions, or portions from Sexaholics Anonymous, Meeting Guide, brochure, or other SA or AA literature. - LEADER READS:
“In participation, we avoid topics that can lead to dissension or distraction. We also avoid explicit sexual descriptions and sexually abusive language. The emphasis is on honesty, recovery, and healing—how to apply the Twelve Steps and Traditions in our daily lives.” “No cross talk, please. If someone feels another is getting too explicit, they may so signify by quietly raising their hand.” - LEADER BEGINS PARTICIPATION OR CALLS ON SOMEONE ELSE.
- (At conclusion of participation) “It’s time for our Seventh Tradition. While we pass the basket, do we have any announcements from the secretary?” (PASS THE BASKET) “We have no dues or fees but we are self-supporting through our own contributions.”
- Have someone read The Twelve Traditions of SA, unless done above.*The following optional procedure has been found helpful by some groups: “All participants in the first part of this meeting will be members of SA who have been sexually sober for 30 days or more. We do this to help set the tone on recovery and program. After that, any member may share.”
- CLOSING STATEMENT. “Anything you have heard at this meeting is strictly the opinion of the individual participant; the principles of SA are found in our Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions.
“This is an anonymous program. Please keep the name, address, and phone number of anyone you meet or learn about in SA to yourself. And what we say here, let it stay here.”
“Remember that we never identify ourselves publicly with SA in the press, radio, TV, or films. Neither does anyone speak for SA” - LEADER READS OR ASKS SOMEONE TO READ “A Vision for you” or “The Twelve Promises.”
- “After a moment of silent meditation, I’d like to ask ——————— to lead us in the Lord’s Prayer.” (Stand and hold hands in a circle.) “KEEP COMING BACK!”
(Substitute the following for item 7 in the participation meeting format.) “We read from Sexaholics Anonymous or the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions or both. We go around the table, each person reading one or more paragraphs, until we’ve read through the portion we have set for ourselves (either the whole chapter or portion thereof). The leader then opens it up to discussion. The aim is to see how we can learn to apply the Step and use it in our own lives. We try always to see the difference between mere understanding and belief and actually putting that principle into action in all areas of our lives.”