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Heal Your Hunger Podcast with Tricia Nelson
Tricia Nelson lost 50 pounds by identifying and addressing the underlying causes of her emotional eating. For close to 30 years Tricia has been helping people overcome a myriad of addictions, including food addiction and eating disorders. As an Emotional Eating Expert, Tricia writes, speaks and offers programs worldwide on the topic of emotional eating and food addiction.
Tricia is also a certified coach, speaker and contributing author of Recover to Live and 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health, and her new book, Heal Your Hunger: 7 Simple Steps to End Emotional Eating Now is available through Amazon. Tricia is the host of the Heal Your Hunger Show, an inspiring show that helps people identify what drives people to overeat and how to stop. We hope you enjoy Tricia’s Heal Your Hunger podcast as much as we do.
Featured Heal Your Hunger Podcasts

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It’s important to know that you and your loved one are not alone. Whether you choose to listen to the Heal Your Hunger podcast, contact Tricia about personal coaching, or go to a 12 step meeting, taking the first step toward improving your life has begun. Please contact our dedicated team and we will do all we can to assist you.