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Paramahansa Yoganada Meditations

Paramahansa Yogananda was an Indian monk, yogi and guru who introduced millions to the teachings of meditation and Kriya Yoga through his organization Self-Realization Fellowship. We have gathered a few of Yogananda’s personal instructions on how to practice the science of Kriya Yoga meditation over the years and offer them to you below. Please free to listen to any of Yogananda’s meditations or talks on Recovery HQ or visit his website for more information or to purchase any of his books, courses, audios, or other great information.


Listen to this beautiful 5 minute chant to open the door to your heart.

Listen to this 15 minute God Helps God chanting meditation.

Listen to this uplifting 9 minute OM meditation chant.

The Paramahansa Yoganada meditations on Recovery HQ are found all over the internet and are devoted to those who have and who wish to recover from seemingly hopeless conditions of mind, body and spirit. Feel free to listen to or download any of Paramahansa Yoganada’s meditations on Recovery HQ.