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Al-Anon Service
Al-Anon's program of recovery is based on the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. The 12 Steps are the foundation for personal recovery and the 12 Traditions help Al-Anon groups sustain their unity and fellowship. The Twelve Concepts of Al-Anon Service provide guidance for service in the Al-Anon fellowship and for spreading Al-Anon’s message world-wide. The Twelve Concepts illustrate how Al-Anon members can apply the principles of the Al-Anon program to the working relationships in within Al-Anon’s service structure. Contact your local Al-Anon office to learn about Al-Anon General Service and Al-Anon Hospitals and Institutions (H&I) Service. Use the links below to access information on Al-Anon Service Events, Al-Anon Service Literature, and Al-Anon Speakers talking about the benefits of doing service in Al-Anon.
Al-Anon Service Resources
Click hear to view information on upcoming Al-Anon Service Events.
Click hear to access and download Al-Anon Service Literature.
Click here to listen to select Al-Anon Speakers talk about Al-Anon Service.
Basic Structure of Al-Anon/Alateen Service
An understanding of the whole Al-Anon structure will show the important role played by each individual in the overall work of the Al-Anon/Alateen fellowship. The Al-Anon service pyramid begins at the local Group Level, moves to the District Level, then the Area Level and finally the World Service Office. An outline of the Al-Anon Service structure and positions within follow.
The Group is the basic unit, where close personal interchanges among members take place and where Al-Anon ideas are discussed and applied to specific personal problems. The Group Representative (GR) is a member who represents the group at District meetings and Area Assemblies where groups share information.
The District is a geographic segment containing a number of Groups, located relatively close to one another. Group Representatives attend district meetings to discuss business matters and share their group experiences with each other. The District Representative (DR) is elected by the GRs from among their own number. The DR chairs the district meetings and represents the district’s groups at Area World Service Committee (AWSC) meetings.
The Area is made up of all the districts in a state or province. Area Coordinators coordinate Area-wide services – e.g. Alateen, Answering Service, Archives, Group Records, Literature, Website. (Alateen Coordinators must be certified by the Area they serve.) In addition to monthly meetings, the AWSC organizes Area Assemblies in spring and fall. The World Service Delegate is a member elected at an Area Assembly to represent all the Area’s groups at the annual World Service Conference.
World Service Office
Services are rendered to groups all over the world by the World Service Office (WSO). Among these services is the creation and publication of Conference Approved Literature (CAL) and the Al-Anon Service Manual.
What can I do in Service in Al-Anon?
We are all links of service, carrying the message of help and hope to families and friends of alcoholics everywhere. There are many things you can do at the Group Level to be of service in Al-Anon including but not limited to the following:
- Bring a friend to a meeting
- Set-up and break down the meeting
- Be Secretary, Chairperson, Treasurer, or Group Representative of a Group/Meeting
- Be a Sponsor in Al-Anon or in Alateen
- Nominate yourself to the Service Board or someone you know who has 2 years of experience
- Volunteer in the Intergroup Office
- Speak at a meeting, share your experience, strength and hope.
- Welcome newcomers, give them your phone number
- Say yes to service and grow in Al-Anon.
- Support Public Information events
- Bring Al-Anon meetings into Hospitals and Institutions
- Volunteer to staff the office
Group Representative
A Group Representative is an Al-Anon/Alateen member who represents the group at district and Area Assembly meetings where the groups share information of importance. The GR brings that information back to the group.
Definition & Duties:
- Elected for a three-year term
- Acts as liaison between the group and the district and between the group and the Assembly
- Attends District Meetings and Area Assemblies.
- Familiarizes themselves with the current copy of the Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual (P-24/27) and encourages its use among group members
- Works through the district in helping to initiate Public Outreach (Cooperating with the Professional Community, Public Information, and Institutions) work
- Encourages Alateen sponsorship in accordance with Area Safety and Behavioral Requirements
- Cannot be a member of A.A.
There are also many ways to be of service beyond the group at the District and National Level, including but not limited to the following positions.
District Representative
The District Representative (DR) is elected by the GRs for a term of 3 years. The DR must be a current or former GR. The DR chairs District Meetings, is a member of the Area World Service Committee (AWSC), and serves as a resource of information for the groups. The DR does not vote at Area Assemblies unless also a GR. The DR’s expenses to attend AWSC meetings can be reimbursed by the district. When the DR is also a GR, the Assembly expenses are normally paid by the group he represents. Al Anon and Alateen members who are also members of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) may not serve as DR. Duties of the DR are:
- Call and chair district meetings, at regular intervalsHelp the Area Delegate in every way possible in disseminating WSO and
- Conference information and reports
- Keep in touch with the GR’s of his/her district to learn the views of the groups and their problems, which, in turn, he/she may report to the AWSC or the Area Delegate
- Visit all the groups in the district, particularly new groups, to make sure they are getting necessary information and help
- Help the groups understand and apply the Traditions, which guide us in our fellowship activities
- Attend AWSC meetings as a representative of the District, which includes voting on their behalf
- Report local activities to the AWSC
- Submit reports to the District on AWSC meetings
Alternate District Representative
An Alternate DR is elected to back up the DR. If the DR is unable to attend District and/or Area meetings, the Alternate DR is asked to attend in his/her place. If the DR resigns, proves to be inactive in his/her district, or for any reason is unable to serve, the Alternate DR completes the term. It is advisable to both the DR and Alternate DR to attend all meetings and work together. Al Anon and Alateen members who are also members of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) may not serve as Alternate DR.
District Secretary
- Sends out all notices of District committee meetings
- Attends to all regular secretarial work
- Takes minutes for all District business meetings
District Treasurer
- Handles all the group donations
- Prepares an income & expense report for District meetings
- Pays the District expenses
- Sends donations to AWSC and WSO as determined by votes at district meeting
Al-Anon Information Service
Al Anon Information Services (AIS) call themselves Information Services, Service Centers, Information Centers, or Intergroups. The WSO provides guidelines for AIS, which are reprinted with permission of Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, VA.
- Produces and disseminates a printable announcements sheet for distribution at meetings
- Manages an email list to which members may subscribe for receiving announcements
- Responds to inquiries about all things Al-Anon related via phone, email, and mail
- Aids in management of the website when requested
Literature Distribution Center
The name “Literature Distribution Center” (LDC) is used for services that provide Al Anon/Alateen members with access to Al Anon/Alateen materials.
- Orders literature in bulk from WSO
- Distributes literature to groups and individuals
- Produces a printable meeting list that is included with literature orders and provided to the Web Admin for posting to the web site.
Information Phone Coordinator
- Organizes volunteers to answer a rotating cell phone that is paid for by the District
- Trains volunteers, who must have at least 1 year of membership in Al-Anon
- Makes arrangements to pass the phone between volunteers
- Keeps the reference book that volunteers rely upon updated with current information of the meetings
Group Records Coordinator
- Maintains a list of all active Al-Anon meetings in the District
- Keeps list updated with contact info for all the Group Reps in the District
- Provides a printable list without confidential information for dissemination by the AIS Coordinator
- Provides a printable list for inclusion in the reference book used by the Hotline Phone Coordinator
- Notifies AWSC of any group changes
Public Outreach Coordinator
Carries the message of hope through local media and activities within the District to inform the public about Al-Anon/Alateen resources, which may include:
- Reaches out to professionals throughout their communities
- Provides speakers and literature for community events
- Participates and exhibits at health fairs
- Places ads in public areas
- Talks with local radio and TV stations to request that they play public service announcements
District Alateen Coordinator
Liaison between the District and the AWSC and the Local Alateen Coordinator.
The Recovery HQ Team is here to help you!
It’s important to know that you and your loved one are not alone in your journey to healing. Whether you choose to do group level district level of other Al-Anon service, your journey in service has begun. Feel free to contact the Recovery HQ Team and we will help find the service opportunity which best fits your needs.