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Anger Management
It takes a slight push for your anger, a healthy and normal emotion, to get out of control. Do you think this uncontrolled anger is in any way beneficial? Of course, it's not. It can lead to anger issues.
With a lack of proper management, this anger can cause distress in many fields of your life. Some are physical health, emotional and mental well-being, relationships, and career. This indicates the necessity of anger management. Through it, you can maintain both the physiologically and emotionally heightened stimuli.
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Statistical Data on Anger Management
- People having trouble controlling anger: 1 in 10 (about 12 percent)
- Individuals worried about their heightened emotion of anger: 28%
- People onboard for seeking help when facing issues: 84%
- Teens that use anger management overcame the anger issue: 7 of 10

Anger: Causes
Some of the causes for anger issues are:
- Threats: Verbal or Physical
- Fear
- Attacks: Physical or Verbal
- Interrupted Goals
- Anxiety
- Threats: Financial
- Moral standard violation
- Insecurity
- Witnessing unfair treatment: To self or others
- Hurt ego as a result of insults
- Sadness
Anger: Symptoms
Like any other health issue, anger management comes with indicators or symptoms. Some of these are physical. The physical symptoms as a result of anger are:
- Clenching of jaws or fists
- Tension in muscles
- Shaking
- Increase in heart rates
- Flushed face for hot around neck and face
- Heavy and rapid breathing
- Dizziness
- Reddening of face
- Aching stomach
- Urge to Self-harm or harm another person
- Shouting
- Yelling
- Threatening
If you or a loved one has a problem with anger, help is only a phone call away. The Recovery HQ Team is here to help. We can answer questions you have and share more information about treatment options. Give us a call today at 800-533-6166.
Treatment Methods for Anger Management
Having anger issues and fighting through them is difficult. But trying is important. Certainly, it will lead you to a place of happiness. For instance, you'll feel relaxed and can manage healthy relationships. However, to manage your anger, there are several methods to try. Thus, these methods will help you with controlling both the physical and emotional symptoms of anger.
Likewise, the treatment options available include:
- Therapy: To manage your anger appropriately, you should try therapy. Some strategies learned at therapy can be very beneficial for anger management. Various types of therapy for anger management include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), psychodynamic therapy, group therapy, individual therapy, play therapy and others.
- Support Groups: There are support groups of men and women who come together to help individuals within a community. These include 12-Step Groups, Religious Groups, Community Groups and others. They are generally formed for the fulfillment of requests and the anger management needs of a community.
- Anger Management Classes: These classes for anger management are very helpful in providing you with tools and techniques for managing your anger.
- Yoga: There are a variety of Yoga techniques which help both the people who have difficulty with anger management, and the loved ones caught in the crossfire of the anger. These include Yin Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Karma Yoga and more.
- Meditation: There are several types of meditation to help with Anger Management, including spiritual meditation, breathing meditation, mantra meditation, transcendental meditation, and loving-kindness meditation among others. In studies, it has been proven that your body's response to anger can be reduced through just one meditation session.
- Mindfulness: There are a variety of mindfulness techniques which also boost your mindset and help to tackle your anger management.
- Breathwork: Another wonderful method for anger management is through Breathwork, which helps with your physical, mental, and spiritual overall well-being.
- Medication: As part of an anger management program, some physicians will prescribe various antidepressants including Prozac, Celexa and Zoloft, to help calm peoples’ nerves down and better manage their anger.
- Additional Anger Management Treatment Options: Additional anger management treatment options include prayer, walking, exercising, reading, writing, journaling, relaxing and other methods.
- Additional Anger Management Resources: There are many additional anger management resources available in your community and online. Visit the CDC anger management website for additional information or call the CDC HelpLine if you or a loved one need immediate help with anger management.
Recovery HQ Team is Always here at your disposal.
In case you need any help with anger management or seek help for a loved one, know that we are here for you. Our Recovery HQ Team will help assist you through this difficult journey. Let's get through it together! Please contact our dedicated team and we will do all we can to assist you.