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BDA Recovery Issues

  1. We learn to operate our business along spiritual lines and find that operating in integrity and being of service is profitable.
  2. We accumulate cash reserves, pay our bills and employees on time, pay ourselves a regular salary with benefits and vacation time and build a thriving, prosperous, debt-free and financially solvent business.
  3. We take responsibility for our business commitments and obligations and remember that we are in charge of the professionals who work for us.
  4. We maintain clear and orderly financial records and eliminate unnecessary clutter.
  5. We have clear knowledge of our overhead, operating expenses, pricing, profit, accounts receivable, accounts payable and all our assets and liabilities.
  6. We have a business plan, and goals and visions for ourselves and our businesses.
  7. We place all agreements in writing.
  8. We budget our time realistically and focus our work time on generating revenue.
  9. We value our goods and services and price them accordingly.
  10. We maintain contact with our sponsors, pressure relief group and friends in the program, continue to attend D.A. and B.D.A. meetings, and perform service in our recovery.
  11. We are willing and able to ask for help when we need it and trust in the care and guidance of our higher power.
  12. We are at peace with ourselves and allow our businesses to grow and expand harmoniously.