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Live from Sacramento, it’s Saturday Night, our monthly Speaker Meeting! My name is ________ I am a recovering debtor and your secretary.
May we have a moment of silence, followed by the Serenity Prayer: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Will someone please stand, introduce yourself, and read the 12 Steps.
Will someone please stand, introduce yourself, and read the 12 Signs of a Compulsive Debtor.
If you’d like to receive emails about this meeting and other Sacramento DA events, please sign our email list as it comes around. We also have fliers, newcomer info, and phone & meeting lists available. Are there any newcomers or visitors from outside the area who’d like to introduce themselves? Are there any DA-related announcements?
We acknowledge DA birthdays at this meeting, and we will invite you to come up and a chip and our congratulations, however we do ask that you refrain from sharing when being acknowledged, in order to leave adequate time for our speaker. (TURN MEETING OVER TO BIRTHDAY PERSON.)
This is a one-hour speaker meeting. Our opening act will share for approximately 10 minutes, followed by our headliner for approximately 30 minutes, ending at 6:55pm. Please take a moment to make sure your cell phone is off. I’d like to thank our speakers, ______________, for their service today. (YOU MAY GIVE A LONGER INTRO IF YOU KNOW THE SPEAKER.)
In closing, the opinions expressed here today are strictly those of the individuals who gave them. The things you have heard were spoken in confidence and should be treated as confidential. Will someone please read the Promises? (READ PROMISES.) Will all who care to please join us in closing with the Serenity Prayer.
Created 2/13; updated 12/13.