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TThe Twelve Traditions
of Dual Recovery Anonymous

  1. The primary purpose of D.R.A. is to carry the message of recovery to men and women who experience a dual disorder.
  2. D.R.A. has two requirements for membership: a desire to stop using alcohol and other intoxicating drugs, and a desire to manage our emotional or psychiatric illness in a healthy and constructive way.
  3. We welcome men and women of all personal beliefs; our program is one of personal freedom and choice
  4. Our groups and service work are guided by the principles of the 12 Steps of D.R.A.
  5. Each group is independent, to better meet the recovery needs of our members. We are sensitive to the well being and unity of other groups and to D.R.A. as a whole.
  6. To maintain our primary purpose, we avoid all outside distractions. We need not become involved in financial entanglements, lend the D.R.A. name for outside activities and issues, or become drawn into public controversy.
  7. Every DRA group ought to be self-supporting.
  8. D.R.A. is a volunteer, self-help organization. To carry out our service work, we may employ special workers, form committees and coordinate projects.
  9. Our individual dual recovery depends on D.R.A. unity. We carry the message through our personal recovery and our service work.
  10. D.R.A. is a non-professional program. We do not provide chemical dependency, mental health or other social services. D.R.A. has no opinion regarding the appropriate use of medications or other methods of managing our symptoms.
  11. In D.R.A. we share an equal partnership in dual recovery. Our traditions and service work help us maintain the integrity of our program, to provide for others and to enhance the unity of D.R.A. as a whole.
  12. Personal anonymity is the right of every D.R.A. member. We practice anonymity at the level of public media.


Copyright 1993 © Dual Recovery Anonymous World Services Inc.         P.O. Box 8107, Prairie Village, Kansas, 66208