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Outline and Description of an Area Business Meeting
Note: The meeting we describe below is NOT the same as an “Area” meeting in AA. HA does not have a defined service structure, therefore, we are simply describing a meeting for groups near each other.
As Heroin Anonymous grows, areas consisting of multiple home groups often find the need to form an area business meeting. This business meeting allows a group conscience at an area level. It is a place where meeting representatives and board members can discuss and vote upon HA business such as H&I (hospitals and institutions) efforts, the 12 traditions, how to allocate funds, and much more. If you are familiar with the organization of other 12-step fellowships, we welcome and encourage your participation in these endeavors.
The following outline provides a suggested description of how to run and organize such a meeting in Heroin Anonymous. This document leaves out many details (sobriety requirements, term length, etc.) which become important as the area grows, however, we believe it will provide a starting point for an area to make its beginning.
Each of the positions below has a responsibility to actively participate in the topics voted upon, and should actively grow with the traditions, attempting to apply them wherever possible, in order to achieve the group’s primary purpose: to carry its message to the heroin addict who still suffers (tradition
5). They should also be familiar with Robert’s Rules of Order which serves as the guidelines for running all HA business meetings.
Their purpose is to facilitate, with Robert's Rules of Order, the meeting. It is important that they encourage the group to spend appropriate amounts of time on individual topics as well as maintain the focus of the group’s discussion. This person does not have the ability to vote.
A voting member of the board, they chair the meeting if the chairperson is unable to be present.
This voting board member’s responsibility is to record the minutes (write down everything that everyone talks about in as much detail as possible) of the meeting and read the previous minutes at the beginning of each meeting. They should also e-mail the newly written minutes to the board after the area business meeting has occurred.
The Treasurer handles money and bank matters. They, too, are a voting member of the board. There is no right or wrong way to set up bank accounts, but don't hesitate to contact HAWS for guidance. Though sobriety requirements are entirely up to an individual group, the treasurer position ought to be given special consideration with regards to time sober.
Chips and Literature Representative
This voting board member takes chips and literature orders from groups and places them with world services. They also distribute and track all orders.
Other voting board members
Some members of the board maintain their position solely as a valuable contribution to the group’s conscience. Although they often volunteer for miscellaneous tasks which present themselves upon discussion, they need have no further responsibility than to simply act as a voting board member.
H&I Representative
Reports on H&I efforts in the area. They are often the liaison between an area’s H&I committee and the area business meeting. They are not a voting board member. If there is no current H&I in the area, this position does not exist.
Meeting Representatives
Voted by the home group as the home group’s liaison to the area meeting, they report the status of individual meetings.
World Services Liaison
This may be an individual position or a role that is taken by a board member (like the co-chair). They maintain communication with World Services, reporting on their area.
Advisor (not necessarily a heroin addict)
Experienced with 12-step business and applying the 12 traditions and concepts, they are available to share that experience with the group.
The following is an outline of the organization of the meeting:
1) Open with prayer
2) Secretary reads old minutes
3) Attendance is taken
4) Treasurer’s report
5) Chips and Literature report
6) Old business: continue/complete business which was previously presented
7) New business
8) Close with prayer
Each of the aspects of this outline could be expanded upon and we of HA World Services are available for such correspondence. Note, as well, that each area should, at some point, write their own bylaws, further defining its functions and organization. In addition, there is no concrete “right way” to do this sort of thing. We hope, with this correspondence, to simply suggest a way in which to organize an area business meeting.
Please visit our website: http://www.heroinanonymous.org/
And feel free to contact us by e-mail: heroinanonymousws480@gmail.com
Thank you for your role in the growth of Heroin Anonymous
The Heroin Anonymous World Services Literature Committee