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Recovery Events

Whether you’re new to recovery or have been around for years, attending recovery events is a vital part of your recovery journey. Use the links below to find conventions, conferences, roundups, retreats, cruises, workshops, dances, and other AA events, NA events, Al-Anon events, CA events, OA events, other 12-step events and non 12-step events.

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Featured Recovery Events

The Alcoholics Anonymous International Convention, Vancouver BC, July 3 - 6, 2025.

2025 London International A.A. & Al-Anon Convention. London, UK May 2 - 4, 2025

Cocaine Anonymous World Convention, Scottsdale, AZ May 22 - May 26, 2025

All Recovery Events

Find Alcoholics Anonymous events including AA conventions, AA roundups, AA retreats, AA workshops and other AA events.

Find Al-Anon events including Al-Anon conventions, Al-Anon roundups, Al-Anon retreats, Al-Anon workshops and more.

Find Adult Children of Alcoholics events including ACA conventions, ACA roundups, ACA retreats, ACA workshops and other ACA events.

Find Cocaine Anonymous events including CA conventions, CA roundups, CA retreats, CA workshops and other CA events.

Find Crystal Meth Anonymous events including CMA conventions, CMA roundups, CMA retreats, CMA workshops and other CMA events.

Find Co-Dependents Anonymous events including CoDA conventions, CoDA roundups, CoDA retreats, CoDA workshops and other CoDA events.

Find Debtors Anonymous events including DA conventions, DA roundups, DA retreats, DA workshops and other DA events.

Find Gamblers Anonymous events including GA conventions, GA roundups, GA retreats, GA workshops and other GA events.

Find Heroin Anonymous events including HA conventions, HA roundups, HA retreats, HA workshops and other HA events.

Find Marijuana Anonymous events including MA conventions, MA roundups, MA retreats, MA workshops and other MA events.

Find Narcotics Anonymous events including NA conventions, NA roundups, NA retreats, NA workshops and other NA events.

Find Nicotine Anonymous events including NiCA conventions, NiCA roundups, NiCA retreats, NiCA workshops and other NiCA events.

Find Overeaters Anonymous events including OA conventions, OA roundups, OA retreats, OA workshops and other OA events.

Find Sexaholics Anonymous events including SA conventions, SA roundups, SA retreats, SA workshops and other SA events.

Find Sex Addicts Anonymous events including SAA conventions, SAA roundups, SAA retreats, SAA workshops and other SAA events.

Find Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous events including SLAA conventions, SLAA roundups, SLAA retreats, SLAA workshops and other SLAA events.

Find Non 12 step and alternative recovery program events including conventions, roundups, retreats, workshops and more.

The Recovery HQ Team is here to help you!

It’s important to know that you and your loved one are not alone in your recovery. Whether you choose to go to an AA event, NA event, Al-Anon event, CA event, OA event, other 12-step event or non 12-step event, taking the first step toward regaining your life has begun. Contact our dedicated team to get the help you need.


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