CA Service Structure
Cocaine Anonymous is not organized in the formal or political sense. There are no governing officers; no rules or regulations; no dues or fees. The need for services to addicts throughout the world is very important to the Fellowship. Inquiries from both within and outside the Fellowship need to be answered. Literature has to be written, printed, and distributed, and requests for help must be followed up.
CA is more than a set of principles; it is a society of recovering cocaine addicts in action. We must carry the message, else we ourselves can wither and those who haven’t been given the truth may die. Hence, CA service is anything whatever that helps us to reach a fellow sufferer — ranging all the way from the Twelfth Step itself to a ten-cent phone call and a cup of coffee.
What can you do in Service in CA?
Service is needed at the group level, district level, area level, and worldwide level. You can do General Service or H&I Service. We are all links of service, carrying the message of help and hope to families and friends of cocaine addicts everywhere. There are many things you can do at the group level to be of service in CA including but not limited to the following:
- Bring a friend to a meeting
- Set-up and break down the meeting
- Speak at a meeting, share your experience, strength and hope.
- Welcome newcomers, give them your phone number
- Say yes to service and grow in CA.
- Be Secretary or Chairperson of a Group/Meeting
- Be a Sponsor in CA
- Volunteer in the Intergroup Office
- Volunteer to bring an H&I meeting into a hospital of institution
- Answer phones to be there for a struggling addict and/or their loved ones
Services are rendered to groups all over the world by the World Service Office (WSO). Among these services is the creation and publication of Conference Approved Literature (CAL) and the CA Service Manual. The main service body of the Fellowship is C.A. World Services, which is centered at the World Service Office in Los Angeles, California. Here employees and service volunteers maintain communications with local Groups and with persons outside the Fellowship who turn to C.A. for information on the program of recovery. C.A. Conference-approved literature and chips are prepared, published and distributed through this office.
“The World Service Office, through its Board of Directors, is responsible to the World Service Board of Trustees. The Trustees, who serve as custodians of the Traditions of Cocaine Anonymous, as well as interpreters of policies affecting C.A. as a whole, in turn are responsible to the World Service Conference.